
才智咖 人氣:2.71W




Peking University (founded in 1898): Patriotism, Advancement, Democracy and Science

北京大學(創建於1898年):愛國 進步 民主 科學

Tsinghua University (founded as early as 1911): Self-discipline and Social Commitment

清華大學(始建於1911年):自強不息 厚德載物

Wuhan University (date back to 1893): Improve Yourself, Carry Forward Stamina, Seek Truth and Develop Innovations

武漢大學(前身建於1893年):自強 弘毅 求是 拓新

Tianjin University (founded in 1895): Seek Truth from Facts


Zhejiang University (founded in 1897): Seek Truth and Be Creative


Shandong University (founded in 1901): Noble in Spirit; Boundless in Knowledge

山東大學(創建於1901年):氣有浩然 學無止境

Nanjing University (founded in 1902): Be Honest and Intelligent, Study Hard and Act Sincerely

南京大學(創建於1902年):誠樸雄偉 勵學敦行

Beijing Normal University (founded in 1902): Learn to be an Excellent Teacher; Act as an Exemplary Person

北京師範大學(創建於1902年):學為人師 行為世範

Southeast University (founded in 1902): Strive for Perfection


Fudan University (founded as early as 1905): Rich in Knowledge and Tenacious of Purpose; Inquiring with Earnestness and Reflecting with Self-practice

復旦大學(始建於1905年):博學而篤志 切問而近思

TAGS:大學 校訓