
才智咖 人氣:2.4W



美國箭牌糖類有限公司(Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company)由小威廉.瑞格理先生(William Wrigley Jr.)創立於1891年。箭牌公司是全球糖果業界的領導者之一和世界上首屈一指的口香糖生產商及銷售商,全球銷售額超過40億美元。




家。其中“白箭”(Wrigley's Spearmint®)、“黃箭”(Juicy Fruit®)和Altoids® 三個品牌的歷史可以回溯到一個多世紀以前。其他品牌包括“綠箭”(Doublemint®)、“Life Savers®”、 “Big Red®”、Boomer®(在中國為“大大”), “真知棒”(Pim Pom®),“冬清”(Winterfresh®)、“益達”(Extra®)、 “Freedent®”、“Hubba Bubba®”、“傲白”(Orbit®)、“Excel®”、“Crème Savers®”、“易極”(Eclipse®)、“爽浪”(Airwaves®)、“Alpine®”、“Solano®”、“瑞士糖”(Sugus®)、“勁浪”(Cool Air®)和“P.K.®”等。



2008年10月6日 ,瑪氏公司宣佈以230億美元收購箭牌公司。


1. Describe the most difficult situation (both physical or psychological) that you have experienced, and what you have done to overcome the difficulties?

2. Describe a typical experience when you need to work closely with a group of people to achieve a goal. What's the goal, your role and the outcome? Or describe a time you need to resolve conflicts with others. What's the conflict and how the conflict was resolved?

3. Describe a time that you had successfully finished a work/plan ahead of schedule.

4. Describe a situation where you have adopted/initiated new approaches?

5. Describe the most complex plan you have developed involving many resources, and what you have done to achieve your goal.

6. Tell me about a time when you had to make a tough or critical or difficult decision. What was the situation? How the decision was made?

7. Tell me about a time when your input motivated others to reach a team goal?