
才智咖 人氣:2.42W




analysis of the ideas in the novel compels an analysis of the form of the work, oarticularly when form and content are as ____as they are in "The House of the Seven Gables".

(A) symptomatic

(B) delineated

(C) intergarted

(D) conspicuous


答案C,我選A 1.題目的主幹是ideas compels form, compel就是一個關鍵字,“內容”驅使、限制“結構”,所以選C,兩者統一完整的。A是有症狀的,符合題意。

combination of ____ and ____ in Edmund's speech can be starting, especially when he slyly slips in some juicy vulgarity amid the mellifluous

circumlocutions of a gentleman of the old school.

(A) cence

(B) ldry

(C) sty

(D) hiness (E) fulness


2.前後對應,注意後面vulgarity umlocutions of a gentleman.



people are shameless ---- where the very rich are concerned, ---- curious

about how they get their money and how they spend. it.

(A) prigs.. secretly

(B) critics.. endlessly

(C) voyeurs.. insatiably

(D)exhibitionists.. blatantly

(E) ingrates.. selfishly


3.根據後面curious about how...可以判斷most people是關注富人如何發財及如何花錢的,這幾個選項只有C的第一個詞符合,ingrate是忘恩負義者,與句子沒有關連。

ough Ms. Brown found some of her duties to be ----, her supervision of

forty workers was a considerable responsibility .





(E)mediocre 答案C,我選E


Neoplatonists' conception of a deity, in which perfection was measured by abundant fecundity, was contradicted by that of the Aristotelians, in which perfection was displayed in the ---- of creation.







contradicted by表示前後成分相反,前面說了perfection was measured by abundant fecunity,後面對應同等成分是perfection was displayed in the __ of creation.注意前面是數量的豐富,所以後面也應該是在數量上的稀少,economy這兒是節約的意思。

consciousness is ---- by the awareness of duration.

(A)intrigued concept of timelessness is paradoxical from the start ,for adult






6.這題是難題,經常有人問。句子的意思是timelessness是paradoxical即悖論,原因是在成人意識裡時間的期限性的觀念已經根深蒂固,permeated是充滿、滲透無處不在的,measured沒有這種深層和潛意識的含義。for引導原因狀語。 example of an illegitimate method of argument is to lump----cases together deliberately under the ---- that the same principles apply to each.

(A)unsuitable.. impression

(B)disputable.. stipulation

(C)irrelevant.. assumption

(D)dissimilar.. pretense

(E)indeterminate.. rationale


7.首先根據提示詞deliberately確定第二空可以選C和D,然後根據後面定語the same principles apply to each確定為D,irrelevant是無關的,不切題的,dissimilar不相同的,句子是說用同一個原理解決所有爭議,那說明這些case是與主題相關的,只是存在個性差異。

I found that____ was very near the surface. first, I found her gravity rather intimidating; but as I saw more of her,

(A) seriousness

(B) confidence

(C) laughter

(D) poise

(E) determination


8:gravity--seriousness, intimidating-daunting, 其實都有很嚴肅,不苟言笑的意思,而後半句根據題乾的提示很明顯是反義,當然選C

is ironic that a critic of such overwhelming vanity now suffers from a measures of the oblivion to which he was forever____ others, in the end, all his____ has only worked against him.

(A) -possession

(B) -righteousness

(C) -adulation

(D) -sacrifice

(E) -analysis 答案選C,我選A,搞不懂...

9:先看後半個空對應overwhelming vanity,選B和C;再看前半個,因為有ironic取反的提示,應該和overwhelming vanity相反,沒有了自負還怎麼領導別人,所以只能選C

succefful ___ of an archaeological site requires scientific konwledge as well as cultural ___.

(A) eness

(B) h

(C) itivity

(D) hetic

(D) rstanding

答案C,我選D,"cultural sensitivity"是什麼意思啊?不理解...第10題:不知道什麼意思,但是我覺得第一個空只能選C




並列關係最典型的一個連線詞便是"and"。此外,indeed, just as, also, almost, even, similarly, correspondingly, accordingly, in the same way 等亦屬並列關係。總之,凡是不含對立轉折關係的大多可列入關列關係,解題時只需將相應的中心線索定位,找出一個同義詞的選項即可。 gre句子填空例1:

When I watch drivers routinely slam their cars to a halt, --------- take corners on two wheels, and blunder wildly over construction potholes and railroad crossings, I consider it a --------- to automotive design that cars don't shake apart far sooner.

(A) gradually ... curiosity

(B) sensibly ... blessing

(C) gracefully ... misfortune

(D) habitually ... tribute

(E) religiously ... instruction


先處理空格Ⅰ。以When引導的從句描述了汽車司機的三個連貫動詞,彼此以and連線,每個動詞均以副詞加以修辭,可將第一個動作slam前頭的副詞 routinely 移入空格,則求得其唯一的`同義詞

(D) habitually。空格Ⅱ:“I consider it ... ”中的“it ”指 "that cars don't shake apart far sooner", 故代入空格II的名詞應對此作出概括,(D)tribute為最佳,(B) blessing尚可。最終的正確答案為(D)。 〖詞彙〗

routine: 1.例行的,慣例的 2.一般的,普通的

automotive: 1.汽車的 2. 自動推進的

sensible: 1.明智的,合情理的 2. (~ of )意識到的 3.有意識的

blessing: 1.神賜,神恩 2.禱告 3.祝福 4.幸事,恩惠,喜事

tribute: 1.貢,貢品(金)2.(表示敬意的)禮物,頌詞,稱讚

religious: 1.宗教(上)的 2.虔誠的 3.恪守宗教教規的 4.十分認真的,嚴謹(格)的




Human senses are designed to --------- specific stimuli, and after a focus is achieved, other sensory data is -----.

(A) look for ... heightened

(B) respond to ... insulated

(C) concentrate on ... discounted

(D) favor ... added up

(E) create ... born


先處理空格Ⅰ。第一句與第二句之間以and連線,第二句的 after 一詞更表明第二句即是在複述第一句中人類感官是如何對外部刺激“a achieve a focus”的,故可將 focus 以一動詞形式(加接一適當的介詞on)移入空格Ⅰ,則求得(C)concentrate on為正確。(B) respond to相對來說有一點兒的關聯,但不及(C)來得具體有針對性。空格Ⅱ:作為動詞,它與focus,同時也與concentrate on,構成反義詞。既然注意力已全部彙集於某些特定的刺激或感覺資料,則其它的感覺資料便不再獲到注意力的全神貫注,故求得(C)discounted(不信,漠視,不予考慮)。正確答案為(C)。


specific : 1.明確的,具體的,確切的 2.特有的,特定的,獨特的

stimulus : 刺激(物),激勵(物),促進(因素) [stimuli為複數]

respond(to):1.作答,回答 2.作出反應,響應

insulate: 1.隔離,使隔絕 2.使絕緣,隔熱,隔音




Do not be --------- by that fiery formula which springs from the lips of so many --------- old gentleman: "I shall write to the Times about this outrage!"

(A) dissuaded ... indefatigable

(B) daunted ... irresolute

(C) intimidated ... choleric

(D) discredited ... crotchety

(E) exasperated ... apathetic


先處理空格Ⅱ。既然這些上了年紀的紳士慣常說出的話(formula)是fiery的,即可推知他們已是“激憤”無疑,則(C)choleric和(D) crotchety均相當貼切。空格Ⅱ處的“激憤”還可從句末的outrage(試考慮其同源形容詞 outrageous)推知。在空格Ⅰ處:激憤之辭旨在氣勢凶凶地以勢壓人,故

(C)intimidated和(B) daunted為正確,(D) discredited不妥。最終的正確答案為(C)。


fiery: 1.火焰的,燃燒著的 2.如火如荼的,激烈的 3.易怒的,暴躁的

formula: 慣用語句,俗套話

spring: (話語等)突然來到(嘴邊)

outrage: 1.肆無忌憚的惡行 2.(由暴行而引起的)義憤,憤慨

dissuade (from): 勸阻(某人)不做(某事)


daunt: 威嚇,使膽怯,使氣餒

irresolute: 優柔寡斷的,猶豫不決的

intimidate: 恫嚇, 恐嚇,威脅

choleric: 暴躁的,激怒的

discredit: 1.敗壞…的名聲,誹謗 2.不可置信,證明…是假的,對…表示懷疑不信

crotchety: 動輒發怒的,脾氣壞的

exasperate: 1.激怒,使惱怒 2.使(病痛等)加劇,惡化

apathetic: 無感情的,冷淡漠然的




Quentin was an enigma to the rest of us: smiling and relating amusing anecdotes one moment; sneering and hurling malicious barbs the next; philosophical and --------- one day; hail-fellow-well-met and outgoing the next; unfeeling and flinty sometimes; warmly --------- and giving at other times.

(A) pragmatic ... withdrawn

(B) depressed ... distant

(C) introspective ... sympathetic

(D) thoughtful ... hostile

(E) taciturn ... loquacious



(C)introspective和(D) thoughtful為俱佳。空格Ⅱ應與其後的(warmly giving)構成同(近)義,則

(C)sympathetic為正確,(D) hostile可予排除。正確答案為(C)。


anecdote: 軼事趣聞

sneer: 嗤笑,嘲笑,譏諷

hurl: 1.猛投,力擲 2.發射(導彈等)

malicious: 1.惡意的,惡毒的 2.意在傷人的,蓄意謀害的

outgoing: 1.往外的,離去的,即將離職的 2.友好的,樂於助人的,爽直的

barb: 尖刻傷人的話,譏剌

flinty: 碎石(似)的,堅硬的,嚴峻的

withdrawn: 1.沉默寡言,怕羞的,內向的 2. 孤僻的

introspective: 內省的,自省的

taciturn: 沉默寡言的

loquacious: 過於健談的,喋喋不休的


對於餘下的所有我們這些人來說,昆廷實在是一不解之謎:一會兒滿臉笑容可拘且津津樂道於種種逗人的軟事趣聞;一會兒卻又冷嘲熱諷,極盡惡意譏笑之能事;今朝象哲人似的耽於冥想自省,他日則擺出一副“嗨! 哥兒們,碰到你真高興”的隨意不拘;時而冷漠無情,不為所動,時而又富於憐憫之心,熱情地付出一切。


Every year thousands of Moslems make a(n) --------- to the holy city of Mecca.

(A) expedition

(B) tour

(C) excursion

(D) junket

(E) pilgrimage


本題五個選項均與“出行”相涉,但從上下文來判斷,得知出行者為一(Moslems),目的地為聖地麥加,如此看來,此種出行帶有絕然無誤的宗教色彩,故(E) pilgrimage為正確。


expedition: 遠征,探險,考察

excursion: 遠足,短敘旅行,集體遊覽

junket: 1.野餐,宴會 2.郊遊,公費旅遊

pilgrimage: 朝聖,朝覲





凡是出現but, yet, however, nevertheless, although, (even) though, while, whereas,

notwithstanding, despite, in spite of, in contrast (to), on the contrary, on the other hand, whatever, otherwise, ironically, paradoxically, curiously, surprisingly 等帶有轉折逆轉含義的題目,則代入空格的正確選項必與中心線索構成語義對立的反義詞關係。


It is true that seeds of some plants have --------- after two hundred years of dormancy, but reports that viable seeds have been found in ancient tombs such as pyramids are entirely ---------.

(A) received ... empirical

(B) germinated ... unfounded

(C) endured ... irrelevant

(D) erupted ... reasonable

(E) proliferated ... substantiated


先處理空格Ⅱ:題內"It is true that..."代表了第一種說法,"but reports that..."代表了與第一種說法相反的情形。既然前者是“確鑿可信的”(true), 則後者應是“虛妄謬誤的”,與true一詞構成反義。(D) reasonable 和 (E) substantiated (具體化的,被證實了的)構成的是同義關係,可先予排除。(A) empirical (經驗主義的)無針對性。(C) irrelevant 意為“不相關聯的”,它並不就意味著“謬誤的”。唯 (B) unfounded (沒有根據的,無稽之談的)為正確。在空格Ⅰ處,所代入的動詞用以描述 “seeds” 的某種情況,可將第二句中再涉及seeds這一概念時所用的viable一詞以動詞形式直接代入,則求得同義的



某些植物的種籽在經歷了兩百多年的休眠狀態之後依然能發芽,這一情形完全屬實,但是,在諸如金字塔一類的古代墳墓中能尋找到尚能存活發芽的種籽,這樣的傳聞純屬無稽之談。 gre句子填空解題技巧例2:

Even though some genetic mutations may be useful under certain circumstances, most are unconditionally --------- in all existing environments.

(A) expendable

(B) androgynous

(C) prevalent

(D) ancillary

(E) rious


derivative a. 引出的,系出的

reductive a. 減少的,還原的

subtle a. 敏感的,精細的,狡猾的,微妙的,

hesitant a. 遲疑的,躊躇的,猶豫不定的

believe . 相信

satiric a. 諷刺的,挖苦的

mockery n. 嘲弄,笑柄,蔑視

confound vt. 使混淆,使狼狽,挫敗

enduring a. 持久的,忍耐的

novelty n. 新奇,新鮮,新奇的事物

persistent a. 固執的,堅持的,持續的

changeless a. 不變的,固定不變的,固定的

eerie a. 怪誕的,可怕的,奇異的,不安的

suspectable a. 有嫌疑的,可疑的,值得懷疑的

convincing a. 使人信服的,有力的,令人心悅誠服的

incorporated adj. 結合 [合併,併入] 的

clarification n. 澄清,淨化

envy n. 羨慕,嫉妒

enmity n. 敵意,憎恨

paramount n. 首長,最高當局

laudable a. 值得讚賞的,值得佩服的,動人的

negligible a. 可以忽略的,不足取的,無用的

impressive a. 給人深刻印象的,感人的

predisposition n. 易患病的體質

resistance n. 抵抗力,反抗,耐力,反抗行動,

malady n. 病,疾病,弊病

easily ad. 容易地,輕易地,流利地

difficult a. 困難的

Actuate vt. 開動,促使,激勵

disruptive adj. 引起瓦解的,分裂 (性) 的; 引起混

trigger n. 觸發器,板機,制滑機

criticize . 批評,吹毛求疵,非難

subvert vt. 推翻,顛覆,毀滅

cutting n. 切斷,切下,開鑿

increasing vbl. 增加

harmful a. 有害的,傷害的

ossified adj. 已硬化的; 已鈣化的

originality n. 創意,新奇,原始

repudiate vt. 離婚,拋棄,拒絕履行,拒付,

shape n. 形狀,形態,外形,身材,形式

encomium n. 讚辭,稱讚,讚美