
才智咖 人氣:1.53W



在漢朝, 有個縣令名叫應郴。有一年夏天,他請主簿(辦理文書事務的官員)杜宣來家裡飲酒。酒席設在廳堂裡,北牆上懸掛著一張紅色的弓。由於光線折射,酒杯中映入了弓的影子。杜宣看了,以為是一條蛇在酒杯中蠕動。他非常害怕,但縣令是他的上司,所以不敢不飲。他只得閉著眼睛喝了幾口。



當應郴到杜宣家中,問他怎麼會鬧病的,杜宣便講了那天飲酒時酒杯中有蛇的事。應郴覺得非常奇怪。他回到家,反覆思考,就是弄不明白杜宣酒杯裡怎麼會有蛇的。 突然,北牆上的那張紅色的弓引起了他的.注意。“原來是這樣! ”他大喊道。應郴馬上命人把杜宣接來,讓他坐在原位上,並遞給他一杯酒。

杜宣又看到了那像蛇一樣的影子。趁他還沒被嚇的魂飛魄散, 應郴指著那倒影說:“你說的杯中的蛇,不過是牆上那張弓的倒影罷了!”


這則故事後來就演化成成語:“杯弓蛇影” 。形容那些非常多疑的人。

  Mistaking the reflection of a bow in the cup for a snake

During the Han Dynasty(206BC- 220AD), there was a county magistrate called Ying Bin. One summer day, he invited his secretary Du Xuan to his house and treated him with wine. On the north wall of the room hung a red bow. It was reflected in Du Xuan's cup. Du Xuan took the reflection for a squirming snake. He was very frightened but he dared not turn down Ying Bin's offer because he was his superior. He had to swallow the wine with his eyes closed.

When he was back at home he felt so painful in his chest and stomach that he could hardly eat and drink any more.

He sent for the doctor and tried much medicine but nothing could cure him.

When Ying Bin asked Du Xuan how he got so seriously ill, Du told him he drank the wine with a snake in his cup e other day. Ying Bin found something strange about that. He turned home, thought hard, but he couldn't find an answer. Suddenly the bow on the north wall caught his eye. "That's it!" he shouted. He immediately sent his man to fetch Du Xuan. He seated him where he sat before and offered him a cup of wine.

Du Xuan saw the snake-like shadow again. Before Du was scared out of his wits again, Ying Bin said, pointing at the shadow, "The 'snake'in the cup is nothing but a reflection of the bow on the north wall!"

Now that Du Xuan knew what it was, he felt much easier. his illness disappeared the next moment!

This story was later contracted into the idiom-mistake the reflection of a bow in the cup for a snake. We use it to describe someone who is very suspicious.

縣令 county magistrate

主簿 secretary

懸掛 hang

折射 reflect

蠕動 squirm

上司 superior

奇怪 strange

多疑 suspicious

輕鬆 feel free

魂飛魄散 scare out of one's wits