
才智咖 人氣:2.38W

1. 瀏覽文章的必要性


瀏覽文章是雅思閱讀的必備策略。做題時,通常先閱讀題目,然後通過題目中的關鍵詞到文章中定位,最後找到答案。但是若遇到某些題型,單純依靠定位就不合時宜了,即使僥倖做對,那也是自欺欺人。例如目前頗有大展其鼓之勢的'段落細節配對題。簡而言之,此題型就是出題者給出一個細節,然後要求答題者找出細節所在的相應段落。若用定位法,勢必整段逐行搜尋,耗時耗力,效率等同於通讀全文,更何況有時還未必能找到題幹中的相同詞語,而是需要靠做題者自己去歸納。例如劍四52頁30題題幹a description of the mental activities which are exercised and developed during play,在文章相關段落中很難甄別出上述資訊。還有T/F/NG題中,雖然題目順序與原文答案出現順序一般保持一致,但也不能完全排除順序打亂的情況出現,例如劍五19頁8-13題。要做出這些題,那就非讀文章不可了。

2. 結構閱讀法

那麼雅思文章該怎麼讀呢?首先,我們來看看雅思權威考官Vanessa Jakeman和Clare McDowell兩位專家是怎麼說的:

When you go to university or college you may be overwhelmed by the amount of reading you are expected to do. You will have to do a lot of this reading on your own and you will need to be able to read discriminatingly. This means you will need to have the skills required to focus in on the information that is important to you and to skim through the information that isnt.