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primary/elementary school國小(英/美)

secondary school中學 coeducation男女生同校制度

junior high school國中 senior high school高中

attached middle school附中 technical school技校

polytechnic institute理工學院/科技大學 key school重點中學

graduate school研究生院 open university夜大、函大

private school私立學校 public school公立學校

universal education普及教育 educationist/educator教育家

postgraduate研究生 alumnus/alumna校友(男/女)

undergraduate本科 Alma Mater母校

auditor=guest student旁聽生

boarder住宿生 open-book exam開卷考

pop test抽考 orientation program新生訓練

teaching facilities教學設施 assistantship助學金

scholarship獎學金 room and board食宿

auditorium禮堂 vice-monitor副班長

period of schooling學習年限 credit system學分制

mark/score/grade分數 schedule=school timetable課程表

individual study自習 individual coaching=tutorial個別指導

English evening英語晚會 after-school activities課外活動

social investigation社會調查 voluntary labor義務勞動

graduation appraisal畢業評估

graduation ceremony=commencement畢業典禮

diploma=graduation certificate畢業證書

drop out輟學 quit school退學

school discipline校紀 attendance/participation出勤率

attend a lecture上課 miss a class缺課

kindergarten幼兒園 elementary education初等教育

secondary education中等教育 higher education高等教育

adult education成人教育 open admission免試入學制

day-care center幼兒園(美) nursery school託兒所