FAQs on Salaries for All People in All Surveys

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Career Salaries: Average Salary for Various Jobs

For the average American, salary is a big consideration. It affects our lifestyles, our aspirations, how we feel about our jobs. Salary may shape the career paths we choose and where we decide to live. Given the wide range in salary for jobs across the United States, how can we ensure that we are being paid well for the work we do? Researching the average salary for various jobs is one way to see how your salary compares to the average American salary for your job. PayScale's salary survey data provides insight into many career salaries, including Average Starting Salaries, from Actuary Salaries to Zoologist Salaries. In any career, salaries are affected by a variety of factors. Your salary might be higher or lower than the average salary for your job depending on things like location, experience, special skills, education, etc. For this reason, it's important to be thorough when researching the average salary for various jobs. The more information you have on various career salaries, the better equipped you'll be to ask for the salary you deserve.

FAQs on Salaries for All People in All Surveys

Average Starting Salaries

For those just entering the workforce, researching average starting salaries can be especially helpful. On average, starting salaries are lower than salaries for jobs requiring more experience. However, even at the beginning of a career, salaries will vary depending on job title, location and employment setting. Let's dig down into average starting salaries for jobs in the U.S. Measuring Career Salaries by Years Experience shows average starting salaries of around $40,000 for all people in all surveys. If this calculation for average starting salaries seems higher or lower than you expected, it's a good idea to narrow your research to the average starting salary for jobs in your specific field. For example, Average Starting Salaries for Journalists are at the lower end of the spectrum for starting salaries, whereas Average Starting Salaries for Physicians are significantly higher. The average salary for various jobs will show as much variation.

Average Salary for Jobs by Location

On the surface, comparing the Average Salary for Jobs by City or Salary for Jobs by State might seem simple. We can see that New York and California offer a higher salary for jobs than many other states. Of course, the salary for jobs in New York City and Los Angeles may be higher than in other cities, but both cities also have a very high cost of living. If you're considering a move, be sure to use the PayScale Cost of Living Calculator to research both the Cost of Living and Salaries of Different Jobs in these and other cities. Other important factors to consider when comparing the salary for jobs in different locations are commute time and vacation benefits. Although often overlooked, these considerations can have a huge impact on quality of life. PayScale's data on Average Commute Time and Average Vacation Weeks by city reveal that New Yorkers may spend more time vacationing, but they also spend the most time commuting.

Negotiating Career Salaries

Whether you're looking for a pay raise or just want a fair starting salary, researching the salary for jobs in your field is the first step in preparing for a Salary Negotiation. For more information on using PayScale's salary survey data to negotiate a fair salary, check out the Ask Dr. Salary article, "Tips for Getting a Pay Raise: PayScale Salary Survey" in the PayScale Blogs section.