
才智咖 人氣:2.03W



1:Ideal posture is to sit straight, but not stiff, against the back of the chair.


A: What is the proper way to sit at a dinner table?


B: Ideal posture is to sit straight, but not stiff, against the back of the chair.


A: Yes.


B: Hands, when one is not actually eating,may be in the lap. Tipping one's chair is unforgivable.


2:What is the proper way to handle a napkin at dinner?


A: What is the proper way to handle a napkin at dinner?


B: Ordinarily, as soon as you are seated,you put your napkin on your lap.


A: How about at a formal dinner?


B: At a formal dinner, you wait for your hostess to put hers on her lap first.



But I know nothing about a western dinner.


When the meal is finished, or if you leave the table during the meal, put the napkin on the left side of your plate, or if the plates have been removed, in the center.



要拒絕別人光是說No 是不夠的,還得要有充分的理由才行,特別是那些盛情難卻的邀請、動用一大堆關係的請求。此外,要很客氣又很禮貌地拒絕別人也是一門學問。例如別人約你出去,你要如何婉拒他,讓人家下次還會願意再找你呢? 如果別人邀請我一起出去玩,我一次不去,兩次不去,第三次她就不會找我了。看來要拒絕別人還真是不容易。這次就讓我們來看看怎樣用英語拒絕別人。

1. I am sorry to turn you down. 我很抱歉必須拒絕你。

Turn you down 就是拒絕別人的要求。譬如有人請我一起去唱K,我很不喜歡這種吵吵鬧鬧的活動,就可以說:I am sorry to turn you down. 另外像是男生要追女生,女生要拒絕他,也可以用 turn down, 例如:I am sorry but I have to turn you down.

另外不要忘了,turn down 還有一個解釋就是“把……關小”,通常指音量或是空調。注意可別把 turn you down 和 let you down 搞混了,這兩個可是完全不同的`意思。turn down 表示拒絕,而 let down 則表示讓人家失望,例如 Because I love you 這首老歌中所唱的:Because I love you, love you, love you, so don't you let me down.

2. I really want to, but I got hundreds of things to do. 我想去,可是我有好多好多事要做。

別人邀請你參加他們的活動,就算你不想去,也不要直接了當地說 No, I don't want to. 這樣子別人下次可能就不會找你了。試著用這種比較好的說法:先說 I really want to,或是 I really love to,再接著說 but I got hundreds of things to do。這樣感覺上比較禮貌,也不會讓別人覺得很沒面子。

3. I am really not in the mood. 我真的沒什麼心情。

Mood 的意思是“心情”,沒有心情你可以說成 I don't have the mood. 或是 I am not in the mood. 比如考試期間,別人還找你出去玩,你就可以這麼拒絕他:I am sorry. I am really not in the mood.

TAGS:用餐 禮儀