
才智咖 人氣:9.16K

摘要: 運動會中, 若能根據運動員的報名情況建立數學模型、科學地排定比賽專案的順序, 使得連續參加兩項比賽的`運動員人次儘可能最少, 可對運動會的順利進行提供方便。基於這種要求,本文巧妙得將運動員參賽專案的排序問題轉化為圖論中經典的旅行商問題求解。以連續參加兩項比賽人次最少為目標,應用最小生成樹求解Hamilton迴路的方法,得到了題目的最優解。
Array Items of Game
Abstract: In the sports meetings,if we can reduce the number of athletes who take the two games continuously by making the mathematics modelling according to the signing in condition, that will be more conveninent for sports meeting problem about the taxis of the competition items in sports games was transformed into the Traveling Salesman Problem in classic graph theory. In order to get the minimum times of taking part in two competitions without any interval, the minimal spanning tree algorithm to figure out a Hamilton cycle was used, In this way the Optimized answer was got.
Key words: taxis of the competition items; Hamilton cycle; Traveling Salesman Problem; minimal spanning tree
