
才智咖 人氣:1.26W

1.“I want to put a dent in the universe.” - Steve Jobs我想在世界留下印記。——史蒂夫·喬布斯


Many of us think too small when we imagine the reach of our talents. One way to think bigger is to set a 50 year goal. Where will your business be in 50 years? This will give you a much grander view.許多人把自己的天賦都看得太輕了。想要想得遠一些就設定一個50年計劃吧。50年後,你的生意會是怎樣的呢?這有助於你開拓視野。

2. “People simply feel better about themselves when they’re good at something.”- Stephen R. Covey做自己擅長的事情會讓你更舒服。——斯蒂芬·科維

Many times we find ourselves as the jack of all trades, but the master of few. Why not become the best at something you enjoy and change the world?很多時候我們都發現自己瞭解的東西很多,但精通的'卻很少。為什麼不在你喜歡的領域做到最好然後去改變世界呢?

3. “Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don’t need to escape from.” - Seth Godin與其盼望下一個假期,倒不如開始一種你不需逃避的生活。——賽思·戈丁

If you find yourself mired in a mundane job, maybe a change is needed. Why not plan out a business model around something you love to do?如果你發現自己的工作無聊而平庸,這就意味著是時候改變了。為什麼不在你所感興趣的行業裡去嘗試一下創業呢?

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