
才智咖 人氣:4.05K

1. 答案:use a cell phone
  order a lot of food:雖然點過多的.菜不禮貌,但是這還不是最大的禁忌。smoke while the others are eating :雖然在飯桌上吸菸很不禮貌,再加上現在英國所有的公共場所都是禁菸的,但是這還不是最大的禁忌。


2. 答案:get down to business straight away
  spend an hour introducing yourselves:一個小時來介紹彼此好像太長了吧!avoid talking business immediately:在英國,如果是一個商務會談,那麼在很簡單的介紹之後就切入正題了。 spend time eating and drinking and getting to know each other:如果是商務會談,那麼就應該談正事兒

3. 答案:turn your cell phone off
  set your cell phone ring volume to high to ensure you hear any calls:你和客戶談話的時候把電話鈴聲放到最大好嗎?tell your client you are expecting a phone call:就算你提前告訴了客戶你需要接一個電話,還是顯得很不禮貌,同時也會讓這位客戶覺得自己不重要。

4. 答案:look at the card and acknowledge it

5. 答案:introduce yourself, apologise for not remembering their name but say where you met them before
  ignore the person:在這種情況下不應該裝作沒看見。

6. 答案:send a handwritten note
  call within 72 hours:雖然應該72小時之內回覆,但僅僅打一個電話是不夠的。


TAGS:不該 商務