
才智咖 人氣:1.51W

一、教學目標(Teaching aims:)


1. 複習連繫動詞的功能(Review what a linking verb’s function is in a sentence.)

2. 瞭解連繫動詞的種類(Remember what verbs can be used as linking verbs.)

3. 掌握表語的種類(Summarize what words or phrases can be used as the predicative.)

二、教學重、難點(Teaching main and difficult points:)

將所學的規則運用於實踐,解決一些具體問題(Apply the rules learnt to complete some written tasks.)

三、教學設想(Teaching design:)

讓學生學會通過練習,自己歸納、總結連繫動詞的規則(Instruct students themselves to summarize the rules of linking verbs and get them involved in all the teaching activities.)

四、教學步驟(Teaching procedures:)

1. 匯入(Step 1: Leading-in)

Present a short video to get students’ attention on the general idea of linking verbs.

2. 練習與歸納(Step 2: Explanation and practice:)

(1). Introduce the definition of a linking verb.

(2). Get to know the classification of linking verbs.

(3). Remind students to pay attention to some possible mistakes while using linking verbs.

(4). Compare three groups of linking verbs similar in meaning or usage.

(5). Summarize the words or phrases acting as the predicative.

3. 活動(Step 3: Oral practice)

(1). Do the exercises on the paper.

(2). Discuss with your partners about the model tests held last weekend. Please tell us your feelings about them, trying to use as many linking verbs as you can.

4. 難點解析(Step 4: Aualysis of difficult poiats)

5.鞏固(Step 5: Revision and Consolidation)

Ask one student to summarize the rules of linking verbs

6. 佈置家庭作業(Step 6: Homework)

(1). Go over the rules of linking verbs.

(2). Finish the grammar exercise on the newspaper.

說 課


1. 將本節課的教學目標(1. Review what a linking verb’s function is in a sentence. 2. Remember what verbs can be used as linking verbs. 3. Summarize what words or phrases can be used as the predicative. )寫在黑板上,請同學集體朗讀。使學生明確本節課所學內容和要達到的目標。

2. 引出有關連繫動詞的兩個問題(’s a linking verb? 2. How many types of linking verbs are there in English?),然後讓學生欣賞一段視訊。目的是讓學生對連繫動詞有一個總體印象,同時也為了激發學生的學習興趣和活躍課堂氣氛。視訊中涉及連繫動詞的`定義、功能、種類以及使用連繫動詞時所要注意的事項。

3. 讓學生回答那兩個問題。通過例句進一步解釋連繫動詞的定義和功能。

4. 用PPT給出一項用連繫動詞完成句子的練習(共6句)。 請學生補全句子後,比較、歸納出三類連繫動詞。

5. 進行口頭造句練習。將學生按座位分成三大組,每6個學生為一小組進行討論。用所學連繫動詞造句,主題為他們上週模考的感受。從每一大組中選一個學生上黑板寫出本組學生造句時所用的連繫動詞,最後選出最佳的一組。

6. 核對學案上的單選題答案,對錯題進行分析、講解。

7. 針對學生可能出現的一些共性錯誤設計了一項單句改錯題,學生完成後歸納出五條在使用連繫動詞時所要注意的事項。

8. 完成學案中的填空題。然後,讓學生通過連線的方式,對三組容易混淆的連繫動詞進行辨析。同時掌握由appear, look, seem所構成的幾個常用句型。

9. 通過例句小結表語的句法功能以及可以作表語的詞或短語。

10. 讓一個學生總結本節課所學內容。佈置家庭作業。
