
才智咖 人氣:5.07K

(一) 接待禮儀、常用英語


1) 有外賓來訪時,首先應該瞭解對方的車次,航班,安排以及客人身份。

2) 我們作為主人,去接外賓時,應提前到達機場或車站等待,絕不能讓客人久等。因為客人來時,看到有人迎接,心裡必定高興,反之,則會留下心中陰影,事後無論怎樣解釋,都難以抹去這種失職和不守信譽的印象。

3) 車抵達時,迎上前開門,莫慌,面帶微笑,等領導先說話,然後再進行自我介紹,同時記得要先對客人說“一路辛苦了”之類的話。

4) 接待方應提前準備好外賓的住宿以及行程,並列印一些資料給外賓,如地圖,景點。

5) 一般情況下,我們會負責講解校園,所以要對校園有熟悉的瞭解(包括中英文),這樣才能做好接待工作。下面有系列資料。


1) 送名片時,雙手敬上。接名片後,真看或假裝看一會。

2) 當客人閒置時,提供水或飲料。

3) 在走廊走法:在客人二三步之前,讓客人走內側,為了安全。

4) 上樓梯,客人前,接待後。下樓梯,接待前,客人後,為了安全。

5) 坐電梯,接待先進,客人先出。

6) 研究一下茶道

7) 交談距離:別太近,尤其是和美國人。1米左右,不要面對面,30度角。想坐他們旁邊,要先問問“May I sit here?”

8) 握手:男女之間,女人先伸手;長幼之間,長者先伸手;上下級之間,上級先伸手;賓主之間,主任先伸手。對於愛出汗的人,最好隨身帶紙巾,握手前先擦擦,因為誰也不想握一個粘糊糊的.手。

9) 美國人喜歡直呼其名,不用加先生,夫人之類的。

10) 與美國人交談,莫問私事。由於文化原因,有些問題是他們所忌諱的。不要問年齡,婚姻,收入,信仰等,

也不要問;“你這個衣服多少錢呀?”, 這樣會遭人厭惡。

11) 對美國人多說“Please” “Thank you” “Sorry” “Can I help you” 這樣的話,因為這些在美國


12) 陪車時,客人坐在後排右側,主人坐在後排左側,翻譯坐在前排。上車時,不要從一個門上,從兩邊上。 例句:

1: Hey, Joe, it’s nice to meet you,my name is Michael, and I’m a student assistant in Shawn’s office. (首次見面用meet,若以前見過,則用see)

2: Oh, nice to meet you too.

1: Welcome to China, and welcome to CUZ. Is this your first time here?

2: Yes/No, I’ve been XXXXXX

1:Oh, but don’t worry, I think you’ll love this place. /Oh, that’s a great place!

1:Now I’d like to give you a brief introduction about our campus. First, I’d like to show you around

our library, which is really marvelous.


Fort Hays State University

a) Thanks, it’s my pleasure.

b) I’m sorry, it’s my fault.

c) Sorry to have kept you waiting.

d) This way, please.

e) Turn left, turn right.

f) It’s over there, near the gate, near the main entrance.

g) Forget it.

h) Be careful/Watch out!

i) Certainly/Of course.

j) Is this your baggage? May I take it for you?

k) What would you like to drink? Coffee or tea?

l) Do you want some tea or water?

m) How about some barbecue? (How about與What about幾乎通用,只有細微差別)

n) Cheers! To our friendship/future.

o) I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you. What did you say?

p) No Problem!

q) You use chopsticks so well, where did you learn it?

r) What a beautiful place!

s) I feel the same way/I’m the same way.

t) Nice talking to you.

u) Before you leave, let’s take a pic together.

v) I hope to see you again

w) Take Care/Bon Voyage/All the Best!

x) I wish you a good journey



We’ve changed the name; it’s City University of Zhengzhou from now on. The reason is we are in a position to comply with the economic development of Henan Province as well as Zhengzhou City. We pay attention to urban planning and construction, resource utilization and green technology, city transportation and management and so on. And we will cultivate the talents specialized in city planning

and management, provide the talent pool for the “Central Plain Economic Zone” and “Central Plain City Cluster”

(二) 七個系,二十三個專業的英文名稱

1. 機電工程系 625Electromechanical engineering

2. 經濟管理系424Economics and management