
才智咖 人氣:2.99W



You didn't listen 擅自行動

Clients like it when freelancers pay attention to what they need. They expect that freelancers will follow their instructions and ask questions if they don't understand or have a problem with what they are being asked to do.


You were late 延期交工

Admittedly, some deadlines are arbitrary, but others are not. While everyone can have an emergency once in a while, continually missing a due date is a major problem. If the project is tied to a launch or deliverable, being late might even cost your client money.


You were rude/disrespectful 舉止魯莽

There's really no excuse for being rude or disrespectful to a client. Even if you understand what the client needs better than they do themselves, you should still be courteous to your client. No one wants to be treated badly.


You have a bad reputation 信譽不好

It's really important to monitor your online reputation. Believe me, most of your clients know enough to search on your name or your business name to find out what others are saying about you.


I expected more 不合口味

Like any consumer, clients want to get a good value for their money. However, sometimes your writing may fail to excite them or your design may fail to dazzle them. When this happens, they move on to a freelancer who can deliver something more to their taste.
