
才智咖 人氣:1.75W
作者:汪花香, 舒玉華, 陳燕珠
【關鍵詞】 床邊膽道造影;,,膽囊切除術;,,膽石症
  摘要:目的:探討床邊膽道造影指導膽囊切除術治療膽石症的手術護理經驗。方法:回顧性分析64例採用床邊膽道造影指導膽囊切除術治療膽石症的手術過程的手術前護理、手術中配合的護理體會。結果:手術過程順利開展,全部一次性清除左右膽管、膽總管殘留的結石,手術中和手術後無嚴重併發症發生,患者恢復迅速。結論:詳細的手術前護理、充分的器械及物品準備,儀器及器械的'嫻熟應用和熟練的手術配合是手術順利, 快速開展,一次性清除左右膽管, 膽總管殘留的結石, 減少膽石症患者膽囊切除術後膽道殘留結石發生率, 取得治療成功的必要條件。
  關鍵詞: 床邊膽道造影; 膽囊切除術; 膽石症
  Study on Cooperation at Operation with Cholecystectomy to Treat Cholelithias is Depending on the Result of Intraoperative Cholangiogram
    Abstract:Objective: To gain insight into how nurses work well cooperation at operation with cholecystectomy to treat cholelithiasis depending on the result of intraoperative cholangiogram. Method: 64 cases of cholelithiasis patients with cholecystectomy to therapy the biliary calculi depending on the result of intraoperative cholangiogram were studied by retrospective analysis. Result: All the cases were operated smoothly and quickly on cholecystectomy to remove all biliary calculi in left and right biliary ducts and bile commoen duct without the severe complication, and all the patients recover quickly. Conclusion: In order to work well cooperation at operation with cholecystectomy to treat cholelithiasis quickly, in order to remove all biliary calculi in biliary ducts, and to decrease the rate of operation complication, the nurse must make good ready before the operation, including the equipment and drug, the nurse must cooperate perfectly during the operation.
  Key words: Cholecystectomy; Intraoperative cholangiogram; Cholelithiasis   
  1 資料與方法
  1.1 臨床資料:本組64例, 男28例, 女36例; 平均為46±15歲。病史5~20年; 有黃疸史4例, 急慢性胰腺炎史8 例。手術前B超檢查: 提示單純性膽囊炎膽囊結石, 其中發現膽總管擴張,直徑