
才智咖 人氣:3.15W

開幕/閉幕式 opening/closing ceremony


開幕詞 opening speech/address

致開幕詞 make an opening speech

友好訪問 goodwill visit

閣下 Your/His/Her Honor/Excellency

貴賓 distinguished guest

尊敬的.市長先生 Respected r

遠道而來/來自大洋彼岸的朋友 friends coming from a distant land/the other side of the Pacific

東道國 host country

宣佈……開幕 declare……open

值此之際 on the occasion of

藉此機會 take this opportunity to

以……名義 in the name of

本著……精神 in the spirit of

代表 on the behalf of

由衷的謝意 heartfelt thanks

友好款待 gracious hospitality

正式邀請 officioa invitation

回顧過去 look back on

展望未來 look ahead/look into the future

最後 in closing

圓滿成功 a complete success

提議祝酒 propose a toast