走遍美國教學視訊文字27:It’s Up to You ACTIII

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走遍美國教學視訊文字27:It’s Up to You ACTIII

  I had an interview today, too. 我今天也參加了一個面談。
  I had a great interview 我參加了一次很精采的面試。
  with Admissions at Columbia University. 與Columbia大學的招生人員
  Really? 真的?
  What did they say? 他們說什麼?
  Will you get into the school? 你會被錄取嗎?
  Well, they didn’t say anything for sure. 嗯,他們沒有任何準確的答覆。
  But I figure that with my grades and with my personality, 但我想憑我的成績和我的'品行,
  I’ll have no problem. 我不會有問題。
  Columbia’s a terrific school. Columbia是一所很難進的學校。
  What are you going to do? 你打算怎麼辦?
  Do? I don’t know. 怎麼辦?我不知道。
  I also applied to NYU. 我還申請了紐約大學。
  You sound excited about Columbia. 聽起來你對Columbia大學挺有興趣的。
  What’s your problem, Mike? 你現在問題在哪,Mike?
  Indecision. Indecision. 下不了決心。拿不定主意。
  It’s not easy, 實在不容易,
  and this is an important decision we have to make. 這又是我們必須做的一個重大決定。
  What about you? 你呢?
  How was your interview with Michigan? 你跟Michigan大學的人面談得如何?
  The interview was fine. 面談得很好。
  It’s a great college. 那是一所好大學。
  It is. 是的。
  My father would like me to go there. 我爸爸希望我去那兒。?
  He and my Grandpa both went there. 他和我爺爺都曾在哪兒讀書。
  Great medical school, too. 而且有很好的醫學院。
  I know. 我知道。
  You can follow in your father’s footsteps. 你可以跟隨你父親腳步 。
  Ah! I’d like to follow in my own footsteps, Mike. 噢,我想走自己的路,Mike。
  What do you want to study? 你想學什麼?
  I’ve been thinking. 我一直在考慮。
  I think I want to study journalism 我想學新聞學。
  to be a reporter--a newspaperman. 將來當一名記者---一個新聞從業人員。
  You do a pretty good job on the Riverdale High School paper. 你在Riverdale高中校刊做得有聲有色。
  And I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. 最近我一直就此事想了很多。
  Have you discussed it with your parents? 你和父母商量過了?
  No. But I have to. 沒有。但有此必要。
  OK. Let’s talk. 好,我們談談吧。
  Hi, Son. Is everything all right? 嗨,孩子,一切都順利嗎?
  Hi, Dad. Everything’s fine. 嗨,爸爸。一切都很好。
  I was just waiting for you to get home 我正等你回來
  so we could talk. 好跟你談談。
  Anything special you want to talk about? 有什麼特殊的事要談嗎?
  There is, Dad. 有,爸爸。