
才智咖 人氣:1.94W

The Spatial Metaphorical Meaning of the Preposition “Within” in the View of Cognitive Perspective



Metaphor was traditionally viewed as a set of extraordinary figurative expressions. In 1970’s many scholars found the cognitive nature of metaphors. On the view of cognitive approach, metaphor is essentially regarded as a mapping from the source domain to the target domain. Since space experience is one of the most common one in human life, people are likely to give a non-spatial concept through a spatial orientation. Spatial metaphors are image-schematic and they can be reasoned and analyzed with the parameters trajector, landmark and path. This thesis intends to analyze spatial metaphorical meaning of the preposition “within”, and its cognitive processes from the perspective of cognitive linguistics. Based on Langacker’s image schema, the Word “within” will be analyzed from three angles: spatial concept of “within” and its image schema analysis; the meaning of “within” mapping onto temporal domain; the meaning of “within” mapping onto target domain. By doing so it would be beneficial to the contemporary English learning and teaching.

Key Words: spatial metaphor;mapping; source domain; temporal domain; target domain; image schema

摘  要

傳統意義上隱喻被看作是1種語言現象和修辭手段。210世紀710年代以來,許多學者開始認識到隱喻從本質上講屬於認知範疇。從認知角度來看,所謂隱喻就是1種從原始域到目標域的對映。對於空間的感覺和體驗是人類生活普遍而重要的1部分,因此,人們會用空間概念來表達和建構非空間的抽象概念。當人們把1些空間關係投射到非空間概念上時就形成了空間隱喻。空間隱喻被看作是1種意象圖式隱喻,動體(trajector)、陸標(landmark)、和路徑(path)是分析和解釋空間隱喻的有用引數。介詞“within”的初始意義是:“在某段距離之內,不超過某段距離”所表示的`是空間位置和空間關係。在此基礎上,本文從認知語言學的角度出發,利用Langacker的意象圖式的分析法對英語介詞“within”的空間隱喻意義、介詞“within”從空間位置對映到時間域、介詞“within”從空間位置對映到程度域這3個方面做了分析和探討, 使得人們對於“within” 如何從其空間概念域拓展到時間概念域再到程度概念域的認知過程有了略為詳細而全面的瞭解。研究語言中的隱喻現象給研究語言中的多義擴充套件提供了1個新的途徑, 能幫助解決習得語言過程中多義詞的歧義問題及同義詞的區分問題, 給語言教學帶來積極的作用。
